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English flame'n'flood

Сообщений 1 страница 30 из 101


So, the thread is for talks in English. Let's talk about everything! Music, movies, emotions, disasters, alien invasion :) etc. I think It might be useful and funny. All posts in other languages will be deleted (except ctulhu language, of course :)). It's allowed to write in russian single words, if you don't know how to say it in English.

So let's start. I'm listening to russian folk band Fleur now. It's very beautiful music.
What's new? What do you like? Wanna say something? POST IT!



Could I write in Norwegian instead of Russian if I don't know some exact word? :)
As for me, right now I am listening to the really beautiful and romantic song by Puff Daddy "I'll be missing you"..
By the way, what do you think about the fact that the Sun will be extremely lowered in several milliards years? Do you consider it possible or not? And how do you consider the opportunity for humanity to survive on Jupiter's satellite?
lirq +1 for such an amazing theme!




Norwegian is cool, don't know about others but why not to learn some foreign words? :)

What do you mean "the Sun will be extremely lowered"? As far as I know the Sun is expanding and its temperature is increasing. Maybe you mean the Sun's final stage, when it will become a white dwarf? It's not just possible, it is fact. The stages of stars life cycle are well known.
Jupiter has 68 satellites, so the choice is not clear :). But the probable choice is Europa, small satellite covered by ice and probably it has liquid water inside. But life on Europe (and in Solar system) is possible only when the Sun is expanding. Because when It will become a white dwarf, we cannot get enough energy from it.
In my opinion the only way to survive is to fly to another star systems. Maybe we will be able to control/create wormholes (you can see such devices in movie and tv-series Stargate). Look around, everything you can see was built in 100 years....so who knows what we can do in several billion years?. We will move from one star to another but when all the stars will die and the universe will collapse, we'll die too :(

Are you interesting in astronomy?

If I want to listen to beautiful romantic song, I choose Scorpions. These guys really know how to play this stuff :)



Ha Ha,  I on English badly speak, but and you, guys GOOD ! :D



You are completely right about the Sun and all the stuff you wrote about... I am nuts on astronomy.. :) You know, I was born on August the 20th in 1988... Just exactly that day the big amount of asteroids or some space rubbish)) fell on our Earth from Mars... So... Na vet du at yeg er fra Mars... (Now you know that I am from Mars... I fell with those asteroids) And I am really longing to return to my motherland... or to be precise, to my motherplanet))
Of course, I read about satellite Europa... I agree with you. If the Sun expands enough and it heats all the ice covering this satellite, the conditions will probably be rather similar to those on the Earth, and we will be able to move to the new house.. :)
I wonder, whether there are another creatures in the Galaxy...
As for the music, I keen on this band, especially I love their song "Send me an angel"..
And finally... How many people here from your point of view know English good enough to communicate? :) For now the main "speakers" here are you and me.. :D



You know english, passion for the stars and you love metal music....you're really cool! =)
Have you watched movies about your motherplanet  like "Mission to Mars" or "Red Planet". What do you think about them? What space movies have you watched?. Would you agree to flight to Mars without coming back? In what age?

I think the best love song by Scorpions is "Lonely Nights" (except "Still Loving You", it's a masterpiece and doesn't count :)). The lyrics are awesome! By the way I have a live concert of Scorpions (with Berlin philarimonic orchestra), it's fantastic!  I can give you it if you want :)
So, what is your favourite band?

I hope there're people who know english on this forum. We have to wait a little :)



I'll not overpower it, too many letters. (Ниасилю, многабукав)  :D
Why your posts is so huge? It's too hard to read such posts in Russian, and you wanna people to read it in English! About the Sun... So, it's not the problem, I think  :) . Now my main aim is to get Immortality  :cool: and then I'll think about this, there will be a lot of time...
And what scientists can tell us about the perspective to live on Saturn?
It's the time right now to go touch the speakers.. Let's go, y'all!

Listen to the Silence,
Listen to the wind,
There can be some violence,
But it's not your sin. (c) IBM, 2007 (Just the ravings of a madman.)

I'm listening to Amorphis at the moment, album called "Am Universum".



Saturn is a gas giant and it's impossible to live there :)
There's no places to live among Saturn's moons too...

Yeah....immortality is good......I want it :)



OMG! The disc with Scorpions Live is damaged :-(. I gonna kill myself because it's not my disc! I hate to broke/lost my friends' things :(



Ya, I am cool! :big_boss: And you know... Also I like knitting, and I am really good at cooking, and I am smart and neat, so I could easily be an efficient housewife! ;)
As for the trip to Mars... hmm... of course, I would fly there just right now)), and if there were some live creatures, I would stay there..
Unfortunately, I haven't seen any films about Mars..
It's a pity that the disc is broken, but it isn't the end of the world, is it?
As for my favourite band... I like different music, so it's difficult to choose.. The loveliest are... Enigma, Enya, Gregorian, Sonata Arctica, Nightwish, Linkin Park, Blackmore's Night, Sting, Scorpions, Blind Guardian, Theatre of the Tragedy, Tokio Hotel :D , HIM... Oomph... The list is too long... And this is not completed))
Of course, immortality)) is a good thing, and I would also like to get it..
And what do you think about dreams? Do you consider them just interesting pictures in our mind, or may be they mean something important..
I have to know English good, because I will be an interpreter, but your knowledge of English surprised me very much!! +1...



Мышка написал(а):

I was born on August the 20th in 1988...

I too in August 20... Only in 1991 !!!!
Tokio Hotel ? No, i don't like... VERY don't like!!!



Мышка написал(а):

Also I like knitting, and I am really good at cooking, and I am smart and neat, so I could easily be an efficient housewife!

Million dollar baby ;)

Мышка написал(а):

but it isn't the end of the world

yes, but it is very sad :(

Мышка написал(а):

Do you consider them just interesting pictures in our mind, or may be they mean something important..

I'm not believer, so dreams for me are just mix of past and random images. If you asked this question I guess you think that they mean something, right?

Мышка написал(а):

your knowledge of English surprised me very much!!

thanks :). I learn English because I love it....more than Russian :)

about immortality....don't you think it can be very hard to lost your friends, relatives? to change your social environment every 20-30 years? Despite this, I WANT TO live forever :)

CRASH написал(а):

I too in August 20

And I am on August 17th....we're all neighbours :)



HEY! It's really a cool topic!
You, Мышка and lirq, know English pretty well! I wonder if you had finished Murmansk Lingua. Or may be you have passed FCE! I did it in March.



DUBLb написал(а):

I wonder if you had finished Murmansk Lingua

I got basis of English in school (6-8 grades) but  I've improved it heavily (on my own) ~2 years ago.

DUBLb написал(а):

Or may be you have passed FCE!

Can I do it online?



I don't consider it to be possible, as this exam can be taken only by examinators from Cambridge or by their colleagues with the PROFICIENCE level of English. But it is said that you may pass it at MSTU(Murmansk). I can find out some information about it if you want(my grandfather teaches there).



Wow!!! You passed FCE!!! Me too! I've been studying at Lingua for 4 years, 'cause I got right in the Colledge, not in the school for children. But at Lingua I was the real lazybones)) What really helped to improve my English is the communication with friends in Scotland.
By the way, what mark did you get? I hope, you passed it with flying colours!))
Nobody likes TH... Except me..)) You know, a couple of month ago I was a true fan of them... The wallpaper of Bill hung in my wardrobe.. :D
CRASH, lirq It's interesting... No, it's even funny... A lot of traceurs have birthdays in August.... This means that... we... are... lions!))
lirq Thank you... I know, that I am unique..))
As for the dreams... Well, I do believe that sometimes dreams serve like signs... to help people... (MENDELEEV is the best example!) But most often the dreams are just reflections of human's fears, wishes or something like that..
And what about immortality... Of course, it would be unpleasant to loose your friends and relatives... But I've always longed for the opportunity to see different cultures, different people... The human's life is so short, and I want to do so much... :(



Мышка написал(а):

Nobody likes TH...

I was really shocked when I figured out that this is not a girl...=)

Мышка написал(а):

I do believe that sometimes dreams serve like signs... to help people...

but who does create dreams? The God? Have they helped you?

Мышка написал(а):

to see different cultures, different people.

I'd like to see another worlds......to see the future of the civilization.... the moment when we'll find extraterrestrial life......the moment when we'll made first contact with another civilization.......the moment when we'll reveal the mystery of our existence...

Отредактировано lirq (07-04-2007 00:35:59)



2 Мышка
Well, actually I still don't know the result. We are promised to find out it only in June or even July, but I am sure that it won't be a fail . And what mark did you get? I can't believ you failed.

lirq написал(а):

I was really shocked when I figured out that this is not a girl...=)

The same thing with me. But I was lauging loudly and for a long time.



lirq, DUBLb Yeah, yeah... Everybody said it...  :( But now even I can say the same - he is little pretty girl...  :)

lirq написал(а):

but who does create dreams? The God? Have they helped you?

Well... When I was a Christian, I did think that the God is the reason and the source of everything. Now I doubt..)) Who knows, where the dreams come from... I would like to know it for sure, but... No, I can't say that I had REAL IMPORTANT help from them.. :/

lirq написал(а):

I'd like to see another worlds......to see the future of the civilization.... the moment when we'll find extraterrestrial life......the moment when we'll made first contact with another civilization.......the moment when we'll reveal the mystery of our existence...

I agree with you. Completely.  :friends:
DUBLb Errm... I passed it with "C", but because of writing. I completely failed writing, so I didn't get "B".. :( But for now there was no help from this FCE diploma.. May be, when I'll try to find a job, it will help much..



Мышка, I hope it's not too personal for you. But I think it's very interesting theme....

Мышка написал(а):

Now I doubt.


Мышка написал(а):

When I was a Christian

And who are you now? Atheist? Agnostic?



Not at all, it's ok. I has been a Christian for 7 or 8 years. It's a big period, isn't it?) But now I'm fed up with everything connected with it.. :( But I am not an atheist. I do believe that the God exists, that He created the Earth and humanity... and so on and so forth...
I am... anti-christian)). But I am not a satanist.
One wise person said that it is impossible to combine faith and... hmm... mind, I suppose. He was completely right.
May be, one day I will become the Christian again... Who knows..
And you are atheist, aren't you?

Отредактировано Мышка (07-04-2007 14:03:36)



For the question of religion...
I personally don't have aything about any religion in the world, but I really dislike the church, as it does all it wants with religion. I think that the best is to have your own belief in what your want, and do not think about different rules how to do it. I don't believe in God or something of this kind, I prefer to believe in people,in myself,in friendship,in love,in things that I can really feel or change.




Yes I am.
I assume that _maybe_ there is/was something that has created the universe, but I reject any form of religion. I rely on science and consider that religious belief is unacceptable. IMHO searching for the truth is the right way, not believing in the myth....

It's only my humble opinion, nothing more :)

"The deepest sin against the human mind is to believe things without evidence." (c) Thomas H. Huxley



lirq, DUBLb
Well, it's really a difficult question, so let's agree to differ! Someday we will know the truth!))



so people, what do you think about tv series Lost? And what are you think about tv series in general? Which do you like and which do you hate?



I haven't seen any series of Lost. Firstly I didn't manage to get home when it was shown, then I had no interest to it because I had missed the big part of the serial. And in general, I don't like tv series as they are too long, they take too much time, and the actors don't often play properly as the aim is quantity - not quality.

Отредактировано DUBLb (08-04-2007 13:56:49)



I've seen 1 season on TV, second on DVD, and third I get from our provider's network. The show is great, the actors are awesome and the story is excellent. It's about a mysterious island. The main feature of the series is that nobody knows what's going on :). Lost is one of the most expensive series on television and it's really great. I love it.



Well, I haven't seen the whole series, because I didn't have enough time, but I keen on this amazing show!!!! The actor's play is wonderful, especially I like Dominic Monagham - he is so cute and sexy!))
As for other series, I like "My amazing nanny")), but I don't watch it now, 'cause usually I always find more important things to do, than to waste my time for it)



Hey people! Wazzup?! Let's talk! Have you started training again after long and cold winter! May be you know wonderful places where to do it!

Отредактировано DUBLb (10-04-2007 18:49:03)




I like Evangeline Lilly and Elizabeth Mitchell (from 3rd season). Favorite character is Sawyer.

As for russian series...I don't like it at all. One day I saw an episode of series "Happy together" and was shocked. It's a dull clone of american sitcom "Married...With Children"! Talentless actors with terrible acting....